Monday, June 15, 2015

Army List: 2000 Points Khorne Daemonkin

This is the list that I think represents the Brass Stampede most fluffily (it's a word when you're drinking) and accurately on the tabletop. Juggernauts all over the place, meltaguns exploding things all over the place. It will not win against every list, but occasionally it will bring the rape.

2000 points, Arctos Gorehowl and Umbragor the Hopeslayer leading their forces in battle.


Arctos Gorehowl on Warp Dragon (Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage)
Umbragor the Hopeslayer (Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage)


Cultists of Khorne x8
Cultists of Khorne x8


Juggernauts x2 (Spawn of Khorne)
Juggernauts x2 (Spawn of Khorne)
Juggernaut (Spawn of Khorne)


Maulerfiend: Lasher Tendrils
Maulerfiend: Lasher Tendrils
Maulerfiend: Magma Cutter


Skullcrushers x3: (Khorne Bikers: Meltagun, Combi-melta, Melta bombs)
Skullcrushers x3: (Khorne Bikers: Meltagun, Combi-melta, Melta bombs)
Skullcrushers x3: (Khorne Bikers: Meltagun, Combi-melta, Melta bombs)
Skullcrushers x3: (Khorne Bikers: Meltagun, Combi-melta, Melta bombs)
Flesh Hounds x5
Flesh Hounds x5
Flesh Hounds x5
Flesh Hounds x5

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